The whole interview is well worth a read but the final two questions are my favourites...
Jean-Marc Masala: Do you think a new breed of male customer emerged since you opened.
Matew Murphy: Yes, definitely. Before we opened, men’s fashion was about buying jeans and t-shirts, it was the only thing that was sold to men (unless you consider the extreme opposite - cutting edge stuff from Pineal Eye). Then this new consumer appeared. He wanted a bit more than that, and we could offer him a choice. That’s why we are now taken a bit more seriously. It does not matter if the customer is a young gay guy or a middle age architect; he is a person who needs to find the designer that works for him. You match them up; you then have a loyal customer.
Jean-Marc Masala: And finally, who is the b man?
Matew Murphy: A constant reference and inspiration for the collection is David Bowie, through all his different periods but mainly late 70's early 80's..........he is the ultimate b man.
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